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Tarradale Archaeological Team  (formerly, Tarradale Through Time) 

NOSAS was awarded £69,300 of Heritage Lottery Funding to undertake a community archaeological project on the Black Isle commencing Autumn 2017. Summaries of what the project has achieved can be read on the NOSAS Blog here, here and here. 

2017 Excavations. C14 Radiocarbon dates have been published from our Shell Midden excavations. Rare Mesolithic antler tools were found, including two T axes, of which only another 3 examples were known in the UK.

2018 Excavations. TTT excavated two prehistoric sites, Gilchrist Promontory Fort and Balvattie Enclosed Settlement

2019 Excavations focused on the Pictish Barrow Cemetery. Find out more in the Blog Post.

In 2022 our book was published - Tarradale Through Time: Community Archaeology on the Black Isle.

From 2023, work continued under the Tarradale Archaeological Team (TAT), which remains a NOSAS project.

2023 Excavations A further Mesolitic antler T axe was found as we returned to the shell midden deposits excavated in 2017. Finds sorting and analysis is ongoing.

2024 Excavations Further excavations, on the possible sites of a distillery and an ice house near Tarradale House, were scheduled to take place. In May 2024 the team uncovered a substantial post medieval wall, possibly shown the 1788 Estate map. This site was extended in June, July and August, and the investigation remains ongoing. See the latest info here.

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